How long did it take you to go from riding just within your local area to getting out on the main roads and doing long rides?

For context, the first time I ever rode a bike was a few days after Christmas last year, and I bought my first bike on early January.

It took me a week riding around our local area (NCR, not a subdivision/village so I really learned quickly on how to ride with cars and motorcycles passing fast and close to me). I'm very impatient and got tired of seeing the same places over and over again (I can't even do laps because of this lol), so I decided to ride on the main roads, and I can even say that main roads with bike lanes are so much easier than inner narrow roads. The only things that I had to get used to are proper traffic stop behavior and getting comfortable with going through traffic jams on roads without bike lanes.

The first few times I rode out, all I could ever think about was losing balance and getting hit by cars since I haven't crashed once ever since I learned, but after my first accident (Motorcycle hit my handlebars), I actually was more relieved than hurt which may seem weird. I got more confident but more careful as well after that.

I'm still not 100% comfortable (I even use pedestrian lanes and footbridges since I'm scared at U-Turns lmao) but my advice is to simply just do it, confidence builds over time and practice. Ensure visibility at all times. Learn how to stop and start from the top tube rather than the seat (Helps during traffic stops and riding comfort). Get a riding buddy or group, I don't have friends that are into cycling so I know it's not only lonely, but more dangerous as well riding solo.

/r/RedditPHCyclingClub Thread