Kyle Jurek. The dumbest motherfucker on the planet

BTW, I was actually a Republican myself once back in the late 1990s, when I was still new to America and relatively unfamiliar with US politics. I did not grow up in this country so I knew very little about the US culture and politics. There was no Internet when I was growing up, so people in different countries were very insulated from each other; people had have very little opportunities and venus to find out about what was going on in other countries.

I was introduced to the Republican Party by the CEO of the first company I worked for. At the time, I was completely clueless about Republicans or Democrats. So I did not have any preconceived notions about either party. I pretty much learned about the party on my own, based on my own encounters and experiences with people on both sides. Over the years, I learn about the Republican Party -- and how it is filled with bigots and racists. Then I got the fuck away from them ASAP.

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