How many Muslims do you know in real life, and what are they like?

Best friend and his family are sort of secular Muslims. You know, about the culture but not especially religious. They're from Iran. Very nice and hospitable, you can't enter their home for even a single minute without being offered food or tea.

A Muslim family owned the corner store I used to work at. They were more conservative and religious. My first day on the job during my training shift my boss and I just shot the shit about God and stuff for 4 hours. Hah you know thinking on it, my past 3 bosses were middle eastern and I'm from a town with mostly white people. Never even realized. Before the corner store it was a cafe, and before that a burger shack.

I suppose my favorite part about working for immigrants is there was none of that "customer is always right" cornball nonsense. If someone was being belligerent, drunk or abusive I was well within my right to kick em out and get strong with them.

Their kids were a little spoiled, probably due mostly to being wealthy. Nice enough though, we'd hit the hookah bar a lot cuz they didn't drink.

Also met a Saudi Arabian exchange student at a bar, we became friends and ended up going to his BMW parked on the street to take slugs of jack Daniels. I definitely picked up on the comfortableness with male-male affection the middle east is known for. To this day I'm not sure if he was coming on to me or just being friendly. Lots of hands on the shoulder and things like that. Nice kid but totally used to privilege and living without consequence. I tried to explain to him how dangerous it is to drive around drunk, especially with a flashy car like that. Tried to tell him he could get kicked out of school and sent home with a DUI. He just kinda brushed it off.

/r/AskReddit Thread