How many people believe all these things?

I’m confused.

You say it’s Kaepernick’s right to protest, but you get angry when people who have been forced into unemployment protest in the streets.

You say every woman should have total control of her own body (at the cost of other’s lives) but you get angry at someone who is uncomfortable about being forced to be vaccinated.

You claim that every life is precious and that people should continue to go without jobs and money to prevent the spread of the virus, but you celebrate abortion.

You set up straw men that I can’t find a productive way to address (sorry lol. I don’t know anyone who actually thinks this way).

You continue to equate full-out socialism with any form of government assistance, in some misguided attempt to “murder” conservatives online.

What you say confuses me. Forgive me if I no longer care what you say.

/r/MurderedByWords Thread Link -