Look how they massacred my boy

I get what you’re saying and I can see Hilas side even though I disagree with it. The problem is, it shouldn’t be that you need to bend to meet every need of your SO in a relationship especially if you disagree with it. Don’t get me wrong, a relationship is all about making comprimises to make your SO happy, and that’s for both parties, and if a girl I’m in a relationship with didn’t want me to do it and it made her feel uncomfortable, I certainly at the very least wouldn’t talk to her about it. The reason I have such a tough time actually agreeing with Hila or “respecting” that side in this case is that it really simply comes down to curiosity and nothing more and humans are curious. If someone talks shit to me, I’ll check their profile. If someone says I’m attractive, I’ll check their profile. Hell, if someone just follows me, male or female, I’ll check their profile, just out of pure curiosity. It’s just crazy to me that nobody in the office was even willing to see ethans side on this and I think with all due respect they were being immature.

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