How do men feel about the "men will fuck anything that moves" stereotype?

Surprisingly, there's many layers to this stereotype and here is my attempt at providing you with a nuanced opinion.

Firstly, yes it is indeed fucked up when you come to realize a decent % of men (In 1st World Countries) who will do anything and everything to just get laid. Mainly because you not only have options, but the means to work to improve/acquire traits that'll be attractive to potential partners you truly wish to be with. A lot of men in this environment almost convince themselves that there's a scarcity of sex so they act upon it when ever there's an opportunity. Many factors are involve obviously.

Two prime examples in my opinion:

  1. The idea that hyper-gamy is the end all be all when it comes to dating in the modern world. The idea that the more women you've been with will elevate your status as a man just because you managed to tally up a body count filled with people who also vi engage in this superficial behavior. However, the essence of hyper-gamy exists for a reason due to it being useful throughout history for women to select the most financially and socially established man to raise and protect their family. Nowadays though, it's marketed in a way that promotes degeneracy (Money over bitches type shit) and suppresses important traits that make you a good husband/partner like intimacy, vulnerability, and just generally being capable of connecting with someone. Red pill culture/content is popular for a reason, not saying its a good one. Sex is just different when she is genuinely there for you and not a dude she believes has status/clout/wealth/connections etc.. Not saying you can't be rich, well connected, and still have an attractive personality. We're talking about men in general and the overwhelming majority of them need to build themselves up and sadly, the essence of hyper-gamy has been hijacked. At least thats my opinion...
  2. Lets please acknowledge that we (practically all living organisms) are hardwired to be highly motivated to reproduce/mate. We evolved in a way that makes it possibly the most pleasurable activity to engage in. We are hardwired to love having sex and want it more than anything, in order for us to extend our genes to the next. Now, we're at a point in history that values civility, modesty, and morality above simply finding any potential mate because these values are part of the foundation which produced the most stable communities where families can grow and thrive. Some guys didn't get the memo, but yeah its an issue that needs a more modern and nuanced way so that we're not leaving them behind not knowing they aren't a slave to their biological/human wiring and that we have these values because they significantly increase our chances at a fulfilling life. The message needs to be that if you just fuck whatever moves then you're increase the chances that you're life can be all fucked up quick (STI's, unplanned pregnancies, difficulty bonding).

I don't know enough about developing regions of the world to give an opinion I'd die on a hill for, but I will say that my parents were refugees fleeing a war and so I'm so blessed to have survivors like that as parents so I could be born in the Canada. I wouldn't apply any of reasons I listed to that population of the world. People are just trying to get by and are too concerned with more important issues that we are fortunate enough to not have to deal with to extent they do like food supply, safety, war, and literacy etc. Probably why arranged marriages and agreements to pair their children with those they believe will increase they're chances at survival. It's what they survived so, they whole "women are just 2nd classes citizens because OPPRESSION" is not the essence of their cultural norms. There's obviously a underlying understanding that it's patriarchal, but that group of people made it through. Just a bit slower at modernizing/adapting their ideology so they can remove the negative trade-offs that you believe helped you survive till now. The standard of living is a big factor for this to happen so just give it time.

I dunno, just my thoughts.

/r/AskReddit Thread