How not to act like an adult

Dumb mother fucker. Save your natural law for when your rights are actually being infringed upon, like in an illegal search and siezure.

I remember when I was a junior in high school and I was arrested after being given a ticket for impeding traffic. I was riding my bicycle in the street in a residential area (towards the middle of a two way street, as there were parked cars on either side of the road with no other way to travel). The officer said I would have to ride my bike in the middle of a lane and treat my bike as a road vehicle. The thing is, you're not really supposed to ride your bike on sidewalks in Texas if you are exceeding certain speeds as it can put pedestrians at risk, so I had to ride in the street. I told the officer that I did not feel safe doing that, and told him that I had seen people ride their bikes to the right of the lane, next to the curb, and asked if I could do that, since it made me feel safer and made me feel like less of an annoyance to people operating vehicles on the road.

Nope. That apparently was the officer's trigger, or perhaps he was just mad that I got in his way. He was the kind of officer that looked like a dick. My dickdar must've been down because what happened next I did not see coming. He punched me square in the face

This sentence is carefully structured so you don't read what comes next on accident before what I previously said can set in. I'm kidding he didn't punch me. What are you stupid? He did ask to search my backpack, and I politely refused search by saying, "I do not give consent to search any of my property". He then threatened me telling me I could either consent to the search, or he could arrest me and then search my belongings. I didn't budge (btw I had nothing illegal on me, not even a lighter).

So this shit just got serious. He called in back up. This was so unbelievable to me. I couldn't help but laugh at him. I exclaimed with an anxious and yet energetic glee, "You called back up? For me? Pffft". B team rolls up. Bam. Two young officers ready impress officer dick-hole with their amazing communication skills with minors. My only reply to the continuing onslaught of requests to search my property was, "I do not consent to search of any of my property".

So the officer arrested me. He put me in the back of his squad car, and searched my stuff. The look on his face when he searched my backpack and found nothing illegal, was worth being arrested. When he was done with the illegal search that found nothing, he sanitized his hands with my germx, perhaps to convince himself he was a clean cop (I wish I thought of that line during the arrest).

Fast forward through the most awkward, tense car ride to jail. The cop sounded a bit uneasy, like he wasn't too sure about arresting a 17 year old, especially for something so minor. It was entertaining and yet also unsettling. The realization that I was going to jail finally set it. 6 hours, dad came and got me. We should've sued the police department, but we didn't have much money (hence the riding a bike at 17). Btw I am white so it wasn't racial profiling. There are poor white people in the middle class (but that's another topic entirely). So I got arrested at 17 for no reason, and I had the coolest story of everyone on high school. I, NovelTeaDickJoke, had been to jail.

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