How to pick which deck to use? What do you do?

You’re welcome. Everyday, we all feel nothing, but it’s until you get that feeling in your chest, that spark of energy, sometimes it can be overwhelming and depress you instead of uplift you and that’s okay. It will guide you. Sometimes, whether we read too much tarot, or don’t ready too much tarot, we can do readings without this feeling of the chest; and although readings could still be received, our divination won’t be as potent as it could be. So i usually wait. I have the Rider Waite and also the Thoth deck. When I wait it’s either a “never open a deck for a week or two until I spontaneously feel these vibrations and emotions of energy; good and bad, happy and sad, paralysing and liberating energy.” Or if I use a deck, I have to shuffle the cards for an hour or even more because it’s meditative and brings you closer to the synchronicity with the universal vibration and your intuitive energy; shuffling for an hour night just cause a spark which helps for divining the deck. I try my best not to use a deck where I just don’t feel like I’m using any energy but just my physicality and knowledge of tarot.

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