Vladimir Putin tries to rewrite history in speech pretending that the Soviets didn't help the Nazis start WWII. Polish PM furious.

If Poland doesn't want to be ruled by a corrupt autocrat,

Considering how much Poland loves Piłsudski and the Catholic church, corrupt autocrats are definitely something Polish are fond of.

and joins a defensive alliance

Not defensive, considering NATO's military actions have so far been offensive.

in light of Russia's long-standing military aggression

How 'long-standing' are we talking? Are we going to include how Poland was an aggressive imperial power too, or conveniently skip that?

The idea that NATO is going to start a nuclear exchange with Russia is off the chart bonkers... you must be brand new to the West... it will take a long time for all the propaganda you have absorbed to wear off.

Yeah, those nukes are just for show, and America hasn't used them previously! /s

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - amp.theguardian.com