How do you punish a greedy zerg to make them make units?

Thanks for a response. I meant pvz, not pvt.

I don't even see some of the top players gunning as fast as they can to a harass. I think the key to harassing zerg early and often is a mark of keeping zerg making units. The key is what constitutes effective harass one after the other.

I like like disruptors over psistorm/zealots in case they do lurks for example, and disruptors come out earlier. I don't like zealot/storm in Starcraft2 as much as I liked it in Starcraft1. Storm deals less damage total and it just feels weaker. But I guess that is okay because storm in Starcraft1 was almost too good. You could grab an expo with a couple cannons and two ht and almost anything attacking it encountered a phyrric victory.

I want to try warp prism and disruptor, but I bet I'll be disappointed in it not operating like a reaver drop. LoL.

I was wondering if there was some sort of perfect chain of harass.

Start oracle go into 6 phoenix harass with adepts having scouting info, get a disruptor drop going while focusing on upgrades and expansions, and then finish making another 3 disruptors(or colo) for aoe support, with maybe a couple dt for just being annoying and slowing expos. If they don't go hydra, then the phoenix will keep the air free of detectors which could make dt better.

Is there any harass I'm missing or is that about the most I could hope for barring a ground assault with the core to recall if things go bad?

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