How should each mile of a 5k feel?

I run a 5k (actually 3.5 miles) everyday during my lunch break, with jeans and a hoodie on with the hood up for the first mile. If it's under 70 degrees i also wear a shell coat over the hoodie. I never ran before 34 years old, and am now a full blown addict. My "secret" is a pair of wireless skullcandy headphones with some very loud heavy and motivational music along with the guilt and shame that i feel for being so very human. I use this time to grieve and achieve, to mourn my lost loved ones and try to become a better man, someone they may be proud of. Getting through a 5k and feeling great is right on the other side of consistency friend, use your life losses and mistakes to motivate your personal growth and go hard!

/r/running Thread