How were those videos legal?

God damn bruh, I’m glad I didn’t watch that shit. I think that viewing this type of material is very bad for your psyche, you become desensitized and slightly worse of a person. The things that used to make you shudder don’t bother you as much. You need more vulgar and violent content to scratch that itch; chasing the dragon, so to speak.
I know I’m on the YMH sub, but some of y’all need to protect your innocent virgin eyes and avoid watching this crap. I’m starting to think Tim is a piece of shit for bestowing these horrors upon the world. No doubt some of you chomos have seen worse, in that case; how’d you get traumatized there fuckface? It looks like you lost your precious humanity job there fuckface, as far as trauma is concerned.

/r/yourmomshousepodcast Thread