“F” for Ari’s career

My comments are directly tied to whether or not it's accurate or fair for Ari to call Kobe a rapist

They're not though. They're relevant to what evidence occurred in a trial where the victim cut a deal with the alleged assailant. That in no way means that Kobe didn't rape the girl.

as to your statement;

Also, civil settlements cannot be conditioned on a victim refusing to testify or non-cooperation with prosecutors. That’s unethical.


As Smith and Mullin put it in a separate filing on Wednesday, the provision required Mackris to "lie -- even in legal proceedings or under oath -- if any evidence becomes public, by calling evidence 'counterfeit' or 'forgeries.'"

I don't have time for this petty armchair lawyer shit to be honest though. You're going to have to find somebody else to give you attention.

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