How will I know when it’s time? Because right now I don’t know and it’s so hard to make this decision by myself

This is me right now. I have less than four hours left before the vet comes to our house. I keep going back and forth on whether I can cancel and hold out a little longer, but the truth is, it’s the right time. We kept a daily journal of his food, behavior, medications, symptoms. We know he is having more bad days than good. I didn’t want to drag it out to the point he was suffering, he deserves better than that. But because of that, we will suffer a little bit more wondering if we could have had just a little more time. But then I have to ask myself if we did get that little more time and our doubts were removed because he was in so much obvious pain and discomfort, would that make it better? Of course not. I rather live with the pain of knowing I might have lost a few more days, weeks, maybe even a month rather than live with the pain of waiting too long and knowing he had to suffer to put me at ease. There will never be a right time for us. It will be hard no matter what. We just have to think of our fur babies first.

/r/Petloss Thread