How would an SJW's ideal world look?

I like to imagine it like this;

All the cis-men have been rounded up and are now treated as slave labour kept pacified by poor education augmented with a victim praising religion yet to be invented - in which they are the ultimate form of evil and so must atone with hard labour and selfless giving to their 'victims'. Those that resist make the head lines as being the monsters from history - the barbarian men who once crushed all the special snow-flakes beneath their heels.

In this world the true mark of power is filling up as much of one's victim card as one can, that means that most people aspire to be trans-autistic-otherkin. It's the only way that you can escape the fate of being a cis-male.

In this world double speak rules supreme and the most snowflakey behaviour is tolerated, if Chuckles the dragon wants to choke eating gemstones, then no one will stop it, only after Chuckles passes out is he rushed to hospital and upon recovering the 'doctors' tell him that he ate some 'bad gemstones, y'know the ones that weren't cleansed with the right kind of chakra karma energy'. And the cycle begins again.

'Companion' animals start being permitted everywhere, and with no one cleaning it up but the enslaved cis-males the world smells pretty bad. People performing lewd or indecent acts with their companions is still a controversial subject that never gets any hard legislation - because both sides of the discussion long retreated into their safe spaces.

The STEM fields are long dead, with only a handful of people still interested and willing to go into it, the world never moves on past Windows 10 and video games are entirely derivative with no new innovations. Those that do innovate walk into the mine field of identity politics and the trouble with 'lookism', people claiming that newer, better graphics now discriminate against their older game avatars.

There are periodic 'civil wars' in which 'impure' subcultures are destroyed and subjugated - for the greater good, first to go are the gay men (who were too close to being cis-het-men anyway). Eventually the first deadly memes are created, the puritanical desire to be anti-sex leads to fewer and fewer people reproducing, it's followed up quickly by the snowflake meme which slowly eliminates more of the population due to darwinism taking it's toll on the aquatic and avian kin who try to swim forever or fly without wings, but it gets harder and harder for people to find or even desiring to find reproductively valid partners now with most people being so thoroughly bizarre and unlikable that most of the human racist simply self-selects itself for extinction.

The few who remain live short lives with technology slowly becoming more and more alien and foreign to them. Eventually a new stone age happens and life limps on, taking tens of thousands of years to reach the point it once reached before.

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