How would you eloquently describe to someone why David Lynch is good?

I think what makes me like David Lynch's films so much is how he taps into these subconscious feelings that we all experience but that are rarely shown on film in a way that accurately communicates them. And he knows the power of storytelling. He did not want to reveal Laura Palmer's killer in Twin Peaks because he knew the unknown and the unresolved stick with you longer than a tidy plot. They get inside your head and make you explore the world he has created long after you're done viewing it.

I found Lynch to be more accessible than foreign films when I was just getting into movies, so he was the first to really show me the possibilities of narrative in film and how lacking and predictable most Hollywood films were in comparison. The idea that not everything needs to be solved like a puzzle, sometimes an image exists just to communicate a feeling, an idea, or a mood, or the image itself is the whole point. I appreciate that and found it influential in my own journey into film.

I do find it odd how he's almost become a meme at this point for being people's favorite director, like they probably need to watch more film still, but he's a great director with an auteur's vision and his films are absolutely worth watching if you have any serious interest in film

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