So how is your 3.0 starter build going?

Playing a Tornado Shot Miner, Deadeye. I'm moving fairly slowly compared to most, since I'm in the middle of crunch-time with work, and I'm taking my time with the new content.

Probably not the best league starter in a lot of ways. I wanted to play a miner, but I did KB miner last league, and I have something like five-six saboteurs already. Tried Ranger/Deadeye, and actually getting to the essential mine nodes required a fair bit of traveling, which may have hampered me. Now (at 45 or so) I'm just starting to just grab the secondary stuff I left behind, and I'm on the cusp of getting the cruel lab, which will give me 'all hits chain once', which I'm hoping/expecting will be a significant efficiency boost.

Do have to say that the fact that TS is an attack skill means that it doesn't scale up nearly as hard in mana cost, which is always a problem with mines. I do like the sheer number of arrows put out there, too.

Hoping the build 'clicks', like so many builds do, where that essential piece falls into place and it gets smoother. If it does, it should be fairly nice (with good single target and pack clearing). If not, well, then lesson learned.

/r/pathofexile Thread