Husky for re homing. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to take care of a 10 month old. He’s an amazing dog and I want a good home with a backyard or fenced yard for him. He requires running a lot

Have you tried e collar training yet?

Huskies are incredibly difficult to train without one. You should give it a try before giving up on him.... Don't give up on the commitment ! Research research research, and then try E-collar for a week. If it doesn't work out, return the collar and re-home the pup.

In hawaii, we have so many abandoned huskies because of people becoming overwhelmed with their "uncontrollable" behaviors... But the truth is, people are simply uneducated and there is so much misleading and false information out there that everything you try to do .... Doesn't work.

Try an e collar, ive said this many times. But a husky and a correctly used e collar is the holy Grail.

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