Hydross the Unstable

This minion seems really weak.

In general nine mana cards need to be REALLY good and or have an immediate impact on the board.

For example, Ysera, Jaracxus, Alexatrasza.

The problem with this minion is that it has to die to get good value and it has 9 health. Sure, it can trade well, but that's a huge tempo loss. And if you're turn 9/10 in a control mirror your 9/10 drops should be swinging games.

Ideally, you get 15/27 stat's worth of value out of this one drop, but it seems too easy to wall off with taunts or ignore as Mages or Priests or whatever do their combos, not to mention Polymorphs, Saps, or whatever.

Priest could steal or silence it, Freeze or Secret Mage will love the tempo loss, Control Warrior can either wall it and pressure or use their 5.5 million hard removal spells, Shaman has Hex and Devolve, EZ Druid has likely won by the time you play this, Jade Druid has 7/7s and 8/8s by now, etc.

You could give it a valuable Battlecry, like "Freeze all enemies," or if you want to stick with the red zone theme, Taunt. Or weaken it a bit and make it cost 8 mana, there's a world of difference between 8 and 9 mana (Just look at Call of the Wild).

/r/customhearthstone Thread Link - imgur.com