IAmA 19 year old female with an incurable STD who has casual sex

Admitting a wrong? I did no such thing. I just acknowledged that my choice of words was harsh, but I stood by them and then some. I didn't imply that you were promiscuous, you did. How else do you expect people to interpret, "I have herpes, and guys are still willing to have sex with me. HSV-2 isn't that big of a deal." It's pretty obvious you're proud of your behavior post-diagnosis. After all that's why you created this AMA in the first place. "Look at me! I have herpes and guys still want to fuck me! I'm so awesome!" If you want to call your idiotic partners out on making "adult" decisions, then why don't you hold yourself to the same standards? How adult is it to find out that you have an STD, then throw caution to the wind and continue having sex with uninfected people? The only thing you're going to accomplish is the further spreading of the disease. And if these guys are stupid enough to fuck you knowing damn well that you're infected, then they're probably the type of guys who will continue fucking other people when they eventually contract the disease because clearly they don't give a fuck about their bodies or their lives. So good for you for not letting "shame and stigma" get in the way of you continually spreading a horrible and incurable disease to people you claim to care about because you're so awesome and empowered and "We ALL take the risk of contracting an STD every single time we have sex" so fuck it, I'll do what I want. You're a fucking child with grown-ass problems. You need to dig deep and do some serious soul searching. Now go ahead and continue defending your selfish and irresponsible behavior under the guise of anti-oppression and freedom. Go on. I can't wait to read more of your bullshit.

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