Ian or Tyler needs to win this fucking game for our sake

Because.. in the grand.. final end game.. it still perpetuates a form of racism. Why not just skip that last step.

Don't get me wrong.. brotherhood and sisterhood, however you want to say it (For all races, White, Black, Asian, Brown, fuckin' French (this is a tongue in cheek joke), is natural and will always exist), is good, required in society. But at the end of the day a statement verbally spoken like that, is racist.. just perform the action, don't feel the need to justify it or put words to it when they aren't necessary. That's part of the problem.. nothing needs to be justified.. just act, especially when it's in the right.. as that was. That particular statement, with everything taken into consideration, added nothing to the "cause" (I put " " around cause, because it's sad to me that it even needs to be a "cause" There's a lot of "causes" that shouldn't even be "causes" it makes me sad).

It was just poor phrasing. She get the same meaning across, with the same amount of words, less even, but without sounding "racist" at all:

"I don't think I'm voting David out of the house." they respond, as expected "Why?" (If they don't respond, cool too, even better even). Day replies "There's a lot to consider..<Shrugs>" "Like?" (At that point if the person keeps pressing they're just a piece of shit and imo I would tell them to go fuck themselves and walk away, no one likes, or should have to put up with, prying. Even in BB, it never goes well, it's a blatant form of manipulation, and easily seen).

There are other aspects I'd argue (Not against anything, just "re-phrasing" of things), but I really don't want to go there. I'm tired today. Again.. I'm in no way calling Day a racist, but you can perform actions, and not embody what those actions mean in any way at all.

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