Idea about website based around Motivation and inspiration. I want your feedback.

I am bipolar, and a few friends want to partner with me to do this. We want to make a craigslist type site but primarily for selling and buying MANIC art. It is the most original, interesting, unpredictable and unique art one will ever discover. Just scrolling through the creations would be mind blowing. It gives us manics a purpose to share our gift and support one another. It would give those in institutions and therapy an outlet and a place in our site. Manic people tend to have spending problems on the humorous side. I just have never seen anything that brings manic art to the light, while it is rare and very special. I plan to advertise the shit out of. Get the entire bipolar forums to join, start uploading (already so this on reddit forumn) and buying. All of us would promote it to bussinesses, institutions, therapies, art centers, schools, SOCIAL MEDIA and really blowing it up by focusing on how unique and rare such art is. I am artsy myself, as many other of my friends in college, who ARENT bipolar. They just upload pictures of their creations on facebook and ask people if they want to buy or trade it. I mean, if the RIGHT person sees it, and starts spreading the word to their wealthy friends- who knows someone could make a hell of a lot of money.

/r/Entrepreneur Thread Parent