If you are running a RED LIGHT

Hm... There are 4.12 million miles of roads in the United States. Every road sign, speed limit sign, and mile marker would need to be changed, including rural addresses that are based on the Imperial system of measurement. I suppose we could dish off that expense to the farmers and cabin owners though, so whatever. They can suck it up.

But just for the sake of argument, let's guess that there will be around 10 million signs of various sizes along the roadway and on overpasses that will need to be torn down, repainted or replaced, and then remounted. Those little reflectors that split the mileage into tenths along the interstates and county roads will need to be dug up and replaced at every 100 meters instead of every 1/10th of a mile. I recon there are something like 30 million of those things to dig up and move. Maybe more and maybe less, but even if I am off by 10 million one way or the other, that is still a ton of labor and expense just to move reflectors. We can't go without them, because emergency vehicles use them to find... well, emergencies.

Replacing millions and millions of signs is not inconsequential, nor is it cheap, and it is definitely not bullshit. Frankly, I would prefer the monies dedicated to road and waterways used to maintain things like bridges, railings, and the roads themselves. The Imperial system is fine, and we don't need to justify tearing up signage along every inch of our 4.12 million miles of road because some people on the Internet think Americans are too dumb to learn a new unit of measurement or because we are stubborn. THAT is bullshit. There is little reason to do any of this at this cost.

Lanceaway wasn't kidding. After manufacturing and replacing these signs along every inch of our roadway, we will probably edge in to the high triple digit billions.

Not worth it.

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