Who's videos do you watch?

I watch Joey’s primarily, and Lizzie’s next. I’ve also been a fan of Joey since forever, and honestly, he’s not the best builder or fighter but he is by far the most entertaining. He’s so chaotic and his content is so fun to watch. The people who don’t like Joey are usually the younger ones or the ones who don’t know about how long Joey has been on YT, so they don’t know much ab him. Plus his content is more Rated R than the others’. I love Lizzie bc her content is amazing, and so entertaining. I sometime watch Joel but watching someone build all the time gets tiring fast. I only watch the others during server-wide events so I can see their perspectives. I used to watch fWhip in X-Life but I can’t get into his Empires. And Scott has become so annoying to me after X-Life haha

/r/EmpiresSMP Thread