If Spice is the most important substance in the universe and the space guild ruls all space travel, why didn't the guild just invade Arrakis?

Direct power is not necessarily the best. I think Dune tells a story of organizations with different philosophies of power.

The bene gessirit plan to make a kwisatz hederach and maybe their end game is ultimate power but they are into behind the scenes manipulation.

The spacing guild controls travel but doesn’t really seem to want direct power over anything over furthering their guild’s position as the essential in between. It seems safe here as no one will eliminate them and they have secrets.

CHOAM wants financial control and involving all the houses in financial interdependence to mine and distribute spice. Why fight when they can maximize profits and have the directors in nice houses somewhere.

The emperor (and houses) want direct power and this is probably the riskiest. I suppose it’s also the most visible so if you are ego driven, this is a good place to be.

The Fremen are religiously motivated and want their religion to advance.

Paul/God Emperor want absolute control to maximize all of humanity. So they want a global maxima, not localizing for money, knowledge, direct power.

/r/dune Thread