If there are any, what could the negative effects of Ayahuasca be?

Haha no, it was one of the most horrible things i ever experienced, it wasnt even a fear i had or something I knew my mind could do. I was part of a 4 ceremony one week retreat. It was the third ceremony.

I would consider taking it again now i have regrouped, but 12 hours later again wasn't sufficient for me to regroup. Also i will note i would only take it in a controlled environment such as the one i was part of meaning lots of facilitating and lots of inner self work around the ceromonies. I would never take it with any old shaman on the street.

Also i may have been convinced i was going to die in my first ceremony. I had a fever the whole time like at one point i was so so cold even though it was the amazon and at least 25 degrees Celsius, shaking the whole time, crying the whole time, hallucinations (nothing bad though), felt sick, body vibrations, vomiting, just feeling super sick in general and at one point was convinced the whole hut was pulsating and i was inside this big entity like inside its heart , if you consider those things negative effects.

Oh one person got possessed in a ceromony as well but nothing bad happened.

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