Is it illegal to keep withdrawing money from a bank account deposit it at a different bank, transfer it back over and withdrawing it again to cause a bank run to short a stock?

Alright, I will bite.

OP might not be that far out as we think he is.

According to some random website,

Very small banks may only keep $50,000 or less on hand, while larger banks might keep as much as $200,000 or more available for transactions.

Also, according to FBI data, the average bank robbery yielded only $4,330 in 2006, which likely reflects how little money is kept upfront with the tellers.

So say the bank has kept only $100k (since it's a shitty small bank according to OP), OP will only have to do this 1000 times. Let's say he takes 1 hour to pull off one round trip, he only needs like 41 days assuming the bank does not refill. Or he just needs to get like 200 retards to do this in one go and then we have our bank run!

Not bad for a totally insane strategy!

/r/wallstreetbets Thread