I'm still champ... And I'm never toxic unless someone force me to... Also, you started to be mean by telling me that I rage quit, even though as mentioned in the title, both me and my tm8 ffed... Your phrase "Take the 5 seconds it takes for the post-match screen to load, to reflect on your gameplay" also sound like you're telling me "Wait to watch the score to remind you that you lost". And finally "drink some water" makes me believe that you think I'm a sweaty tryharder who's life is based on RL, who spend so much time on the game that I don't even drink...
For contest : My friend and me had to hurry cuz his parents were calling him for dinner. So we both ffed cuz there were only 6 sec remaining and we were losing 2-5 so that we could play 1 more game together. But then we both got banned even though we ffed...