I'm 23 and I built my own 6,400sq ft house for under $20,000 when I was <18

Right now: both. You can tell it's structurally sound, and it's the right shape and style of a common telescopic style home, but it's very clear it is built from mismatched wood. The only match is in thickness, but the exterior walls are made from a variety or plywood and chipboard, and the windows aren't all the same. I got it as close as possible, and will replace them this year.

It is multi-story. The front half is 2 stories but the bottom floor is 9feet 6inches above ground level, because the first year we had flooding problems, which have since been remedied by adding irrigation. This part was built with wood and materials I scavenged, materials from a local oil company in my area, telephone company project spill over, and siding and roofing given to me by The Mormon Church after they renovated. The rear addition is much larger. 3 stories with an attic. It is built 5.5 feet high on square telephone pylons, and is much prettier than the front section. It's made 80% from excess materials from our town's new junior high school, and a nearby housing project built the same years.

The main reason I haven't provided photos is a mix of being embarrassed at the current state of the property (over grown and full of my mother's furniture). We haven't finished up cleaning since she had a fire at her house in the same town. Another reason is because the house is easily identifiable, and so is it's location, as it is very near to a nationally recognized land mark/feature that people are familiar with. I also have essential no "progress" photos, and I can't see it being super interesting seeing an essentially finished house with the caption "I built this!"

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