I'm just going to say it, Ripple is horrible.

We'll it time for us to band together and fight our common enemy, which is one of centralization. We are creating self inflicted wounds out of greed and arrogance. We must come to together and show everyone how strong this ENTIRE community is.

There are many new users flooding into the cryptocurrency space and they don't care about Bitcoin's name. They are looking at different blockchains and their capabilities. Why would any new user choose Bitcoin? It has the some of the worst specs of any blockchain. It's slow and barely even usable right now. Look at volumes for Korea and Japan, they are choosing what they think is the better technology. They aren't counting on hopes and promises. They aren't looking for gold, they want technology. You may argue that no blockchain scales and everyone will have the same problem. That is irrelevant for this conversation, specs are specs. If Bitcoin wants to stay the leader we must show the world that decentralized open source is better than a centralized corporation run blockchain. If we can make a scaling change, whatever it may be, the market will turn and that money will come running right to us.

/r/Bitcoin Thread