[Image] He Speaks the Truth

With all due respect, as someone who has worked his fricken ass off to get into medical school while holding multiple jobs, I can assure you someday I will get called rich and greedy and all that with the income a doctor can have. The fact is, I spend around 80-100 hours a week studying and working in the hospital. I will graduate with somewhere around 250k in debt. I won't have my first real job until 30 if not 32-33. There are absolutely people in this country that need economic help, but the bar is set so low in our culture. Most of my friends from high school are living at home, smoking weed, playing video games all day, yet they think they deserve the income and privileges I am working for. People think if you work 40 hours a week you deserve a perfectly happy life, cable TV, wireless internet, smart phones, vacations, etc. Nothing in life is guaranteed. If you don't like your income, go to school at night and work your way up the hard way. And let me be clear, this is coming from someone who put himself through school on his own dime (no parent help or inheritance), while supporting my wife and working 2 full time jobs. Yes, it can be done.

Maybe it's because I did it myself, or maybe it's because I heard the stories of my grandfather working 100-hour weeks to start a small business to put food on the table for his family, but I just don't buy a lot of the reddit sentiment that we are owed amazing jobs and lifestyles just for breathing and showing up for a job.

Many of the "evil rich" have done the same thing. Made their money completely legally, yet somehow the public gets to decide they make too much and it should be taken from them. If they haven't made their money legally, obviously they should be imprisoned (which I realize there is a lot of corruption in politics and such).

End rant.

/r/GetMotivated Thread Parent Link - imgur.com