Do you imagine getting revenge on your ghoster?

I’d say no to revenge.

I was dating someone for 2 months before they outright ghosted me. Both live in the same town and our paths crossed after they had ghosted. They tried apologising, saying weren’t good way with their mental health for a relationship but about a week after the ghosting they were in a relationship. Was extremely pissed until I bumped into them…couldn’t start their new job, ran out of money (was hinting to give them money), had no support, friends didn’t want to know and couldn’t get back into previous work as they had left on terrible terms (more their own fault too). I thought it’d make me feel better hearing they were having a shit time (it did initially)…thought maybe karma caught up with them…I just felt sad for them but haven’t bothered to look back since. Only bit I was angry at was using the mental health as a reason (lost people to that) when it seemed as though they were already in a relationship before the ghosting.

So yeah no to revenge, it catches up to them I think, just focus on yourself as hard as that may seem right now. It easy to think it’d be a good idea for a revenge plot but it’ll just keep them on your mind more and you don’t need that, the sooner they are off your mind you’ll feel like a weight has been lifted.

Sorry if that was long read and all the best for you! Don’t sink to their level, you’re better than that.

/r/ghosting Thread