Is it ever a good idea to try and contact your ghost months or years later for closure?

I have genuinely ghosted people I really, really liked, for fucked up mental health reasons.

A number of people I've spoken about this to, have done the same.

It's usually a matter of ignoring all phone calls, texts for a period, then the shame, then continuing to not answer due to the guilt.

The insane part, is a large amount of the people I would consider incredibly level-headed and rational, have done this, for the same shame reason.

Don't take it personally, as an affront, or some kind of signal that any person is some kind of "narcissist!1!1!!1 fuckboy!1!!1! bad person!11!!1", and consequently take it as a blow to your self-worth.

That's one's own choice to make, and a childish one (i used to.)

People can't deal with their own shit, no matter how well put together they may appear.

The mass-opinion surrounding ghosting done by someone you're not yet close with/ and showed no prior red flags is disheartening, because of how eager even the best people seem to be, to immediately internalize any lack of response, and immediately jump to villainize someone.

It's not personal, and they often do it to the people they like the most.

/r/ghosting Thread