Why it's Important to Talk About Women in Film | ShareGrid Blog

By prejudice, yes I agree it refers to any form whether it be passive or instigated. I mean I personally cannot say 100% for sure if there is prejudice/discrimination in the industry because I do not work there but from what a lot of others that work there are saying, they say there is. As you say it is definitely more complex than it seems to be, many other factors come into play and forcing a demographic representation may not be reflective of everyone's motives/comparable skill. If people were already being accountably hired, there would be no need for the current method being implemented. I am not targeting annoyance at women, not at all. I am targeting the current method which prioritises people on the basis of their demographic representation in the industry over their contribution/skill/applicability alone. I'm not saying that I have a flawless solution but I want people to see the implications of hiring for the sake of diversity not only on those being hired, but others seeking employment.

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