Why it is impossible to understand the universe, or anything.

No Worries, I totally needed the reminder about when on Reddit (Since I don't use Facebook anymore) to not take things wrong and even if the person is just an asshole, super nasty, I know it's just unaddressed personal issues venting over to online crap, as I used to get really into the react not respond element, and found if I ripped someone a new asshole, and others agreed, it would make the person just go deeper into anger and mean spirited stuff.

I've been doing great lately and really mentally balanced and objective, so I read your comment and was totally like, here's a person who was really offended, yet still used good tact and didn't call me a meanie mcretard or anything! :)

I was on phenibut and low dose alcohol after work when I did the all caps - kinda interesting is I'd thought about how Latin has branched into new languages, and DIS and CUSSION I dove into and was going to make a one line sentence explaining the origin of the " past participle stem of discutere, "to dash to pieces, agitate," which sparked a metaphor chuckle , and now, even more so, with "agitate" being harmless yet we use it in English to mean, piss me off.

I never got to Feynman's book, I have so many distracting good souls with brains bookmarked everywhere. I did his YouTube circuit of lectures then watched the NASA hearings, then read others about him, and meant to get around to it.

I had kept a Terrance McKenna and then a Feynman YouTube favorite but deleted , and this subreddit I haven't been to in ages, I tuned out at one point , but in one day two videos of both of them, here at this subreddit, blew me away like, ah man those were my bibles in some instances, and thanks for the reminder and revisit.

I noticed I use things I appreciate of podcasts and lectures of super well spoken smart visionaries, and it improves past all the good assumptions, how I communicate with others. Slows me down, brevity, better conclusions, better listening most of all.

The Terrance McKenna video is mind blowing auditory and conceptual, with nice visuals in tandem. Relatively short but balls deep on impact, here's a taste of him, man can speak for 30 minutes non stop and never pause, he KNOWS what he is communicating , why, and the depth is out of this world, literally.

Be well, and FYI, I have an Android phone with older OS, and I am now seeing your emoticons on laptop vs phone, and wow , does my phone mess up/replace emoticons with whacky shit, Your sunflower and then trianlge (a tent?) showed up as a horse head, then what appears to me a penis. Talk about tripped up comm issues eh?

3 cheers and have a great one, day, summer (it's JUNE, thank Zeus), and life man.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v "The drama of a dying world has been turned into a soap opera for people"

""Gradual change was a luxury of the past."


/r/RationalPsychonaut Thread Parent