People need to stop romanticizing the idea of ego death

Ok I’m just going to say this I don’t think that was a true ego death not trying to disrespect your experience or take anything away from it but for me and I always give in to my trips at least for a good 3 hours as I’m watching Netflix and shit but anyways. Whenever I tripped I loved the visuals and thoughts with lsd anyways haha reason is I had better control also I have asthma but I put my faith in having a good time and believing that I’m going to be perfectly safe and good with some better knowledge. Now usually for me it’s just a bunch of thinking like why am I here what’s the point shit like that and sometimes it leads to thinking of death but you just gotta go through it and really think it all the way through like why do we die? Because we have to we only have a limited amount of time on this planet before some other shit maybe but who fucking knows haha anyways again once you think that what would you think of next like I’m mortal I’m going to die fuck no... you think well what do I do with this time you think who do I spend this time with it’s not about you it’s about everyone else I always got that message and it’s never left me but once you got that down what’s there to fear? The visuals and that’s hard to overcome last macro dose I had was 600mics and I was literally feeling/visibly in the show family guy where Peter grew that thing or Chris on his face that talked and shit haha. That’s why you have to have a benzo handy(make sure to get prescribed for them as fake shit is often more round then real so please get an actual doctor to prescribe them) so then everything mellows out but after that I had doubt and stopped switched to microdosing shrooms and not till recently have I revisited lsd only had half a tab of 100mics and that was wild I was made hammered when I took it too and it completely straightened me out and well took my for this insane wild ride. Shit was good super clean with visuals like good visuals haha anyways I had to survive that kinda state for a while and it got me wanting to do more so that’s where I really can see why the psychonaughts would trip so high because they were told to or they really feel it necessary everyone is different but those people are somewhat champions in a way from the older days where they want to go deeper and deeper for their own journey and quest. I understand that you may feel scared at times but you gotta know when people suggest doing those doses they know exactly what they’re getting themselves but they also know the great benefits of this and that’s why they suggest it you might not realize this but did you take anything else out of that trip besides just you having a feeling of a heart attack or feeling good after realizing you’d just be dead and enjoyed it again, did you learn patience endurance how to talk to yourself to chill out more even in that state? Reason why I say this is because even if someone has a challenging trip they gain shit for there struggles even if they don’t realize it at the time and when you trip at higher doses and have that kinda thoughts or whatever you gain a lot more from it especially with ego death your more into the present, you care more about the people around you and who you meet like after that trip of me thinking about death and going through all that I cared a shit ton more enough to give a total stranger a 20$ bill for the bus when I had no other change to me that’s the real ego death. But the other thing it could do especially for more challenging experiences could help with the things you didn’t want help with that’s probably why people have a negative experience afterwards because they didn’t want that part of them to change but that’s the reason psychedelics are here to change the way we think and the path we took at first. I love this quote because it’s too fucking true you don’t get the trip you want you get the trip it wants to give you. Weather it be shrooms lsd or whatever you can’t control so don’t bother and be prepared for whatever comes out of it. Good or bad you’ll be changed and it doesn’t matter what you want to do about it haha Sorry for the long ass thing but you gotta realize their craziness is why the human race is evolving and why people wanna go so far to change themselves weather you think that or not it’s in your subconscious somewhere that you have something you don’t like about yourself. Safe journeys and also usually they say don’t fucking go right for it test the waters and work your way up like with anything unless your in high school then they’re fucking with you and saying go for it hahaha:)

/r/RationalPsychonaut Thread