Injured Sandhill Crane

We have a sandhill crane who has a broken or injured left wing in Highland Michigan. It was born last spring (2021) and it was left behind by its parents last winter when it was only about 6 months old. Livingston County came out and attempted a rescue but we were unable to catch it because it can run pretty fast. We tried for a few hours, but just couldn’t get it. I couldn’t let it starve to death and freeze with Michigan winter so I went out and bought a heat lamp to keep him warm and attached it to my deck, which is raised up about 4 feet off ground and I put corn out for him daily. Poor thing spent the days huddled up near my house and near lamp, but would go to his nest near the lake at dusk. He returned daily, and thank god survived the winter. He has been here all summer and was fine, but with the winter coming again, I worry about it being too cold for him. I hear it is predicted to be very cold and snowy this year so I wondered if anyone knew of a sanctuary that could take him in or a rescue that could maybe try to get it. It’s very sad to see him out alone everyday in cold. I know Livingston county has a sanctuary at Howell nature center but I was told they still had a hold on bird intake because of bird flu. He has never been able to fly so I figured he would have a sad lonely life here in Michigan, especially in winter. Does anyone know of any resources to reach out to for help. I don’t think my heart can take another winter of him out there. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!

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