Offer feedback and player experience to Devs

I'm listening to a lecture series on creative thinking and problem solving, and one of the things it talks about is surrounding yourself with constructive sources of feed back, not automatically positive sources, but sources that will say "I think this works because of A, B, C" or "I think this is a problem because of X, Y, Z." That information really goes both directions, from me to the dev and back to myself. Sometimes I wind up doing this unintentionally.

The first game I did this on, l was playing a section where they introduced a new character and as I'm playing and reading everything and I just off-handedly say "I have $5 that says she's lying." The Dev saw the video, saw that part and immediately demanded to know how I could tell that she was lying. They were conserned that their writing was too subtle and was risking the reveal being too 'left field' but having me able to pick up that they're lying at that point was a boost for themselves.

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