Had a go at making some memes

So I'm kinda toasty but I kind of wanted to write this becaues I'm really feelin it and I think it'll be kind of funny but also real at the same time.... here goes....:

Memes spread misinformation about typology and they cause a sub to devolve from being about useful helpful advice based on helping a person balance their functions and actually promoting good conversation. I have unsubscribed from INFP and that sub is devolving into nothingness and everyone with it because people who want to have actual conversations don't want to subscribe to that sub. It is a great loss because INFPs are definitely a type that needs a lot of help in balancing their functions and they could be supporting each other but now are just helping each other deteriorate.

If any of you were exercising your Ni or your Te you'd know this. ISFPs are all Fi+Se in the moment but think about what this means for you later. Your life isn't going to be smooth and easy and you should be thinking about how to sustain your happiness over the long term. Having a sub drenched in memes will harm the readership of that sub, because as someone who is personally thinking a lot about growth, I can't stand to look at people's selfies or memes that propagate false information about ISFPs. I can't stand shallow stuff, I don't like it and it's not good for me and I really want to grow as a person because life isn't as easy as ISFPs would have it be. There's a reason we have 4 entire functions that we are supposed to develop. Fi+Se'ing your life away is dumb as fuck. You're heading down a dangerous road and you will crash and burn sooner or later.

But sure, if that's what you pee heads want to do go ahead, be my guest. You know where I stand on this at the very least, if this sub devolves into a meme sub based on stupid stereotypes instead of a place where we can discuss Introverted Feeling, Extraverted Sensing, Introverted iNtuition and Extraverted Thinking without stupid contradictory memes (that are horribly unartistic or creative, so much for ISFP originality and respectfulness for other people's Fi's) that basically reduce you down to

There's a reason the INFP sub is the way it is. They have no direction and they've really fucked up and now their sub is a complete joke. Their entire conversational base is 'I have a crush on x' and 'look at this 1000th picture of the sky' and 'here's a selfie tell me i'm pretty' intermingled with the same regurgitated memes over and over again with people trying to get karma, people who are depressed and unwell talking about wanting to hurt themselves, and what feels like a general braindead upvoting system where the most unoriginal uninteresting conversations are updated while any use of their last two functions Si+Te are completely dead. Their sub is not growing, they are floundering, and what's more, they are helping each other flounder and dim their own lights out.

r/ISFP so far has not been that way, there is a sturdiness of character that has been displayed in the ISFP sub that I really hoped we could hold onto. ISFPs are extremely pleasant to be around, extremely pleasant to interact with, and very growth oriented and curious but in a relaxed, non-fixated way. There is no other MBTI sub that is better than this sub. Look around. There is no other.

Any thinker sub you go to is decidedly NOT chill. There is meanness, cowardice, toxicity and general dysfunctional emotionally inept bullshit. Any feeler sub that's remaining is either boring af, or descended into the depths of hell like r/infp. The only popular thinker sub that is even remotely emotionally growth-oriented is r/ENTJ. That's it. And even then it mostly sucks going there. r/istj is a close second but there's no one there and they're still kinda mean. You've seen the toxicity of r/mbti, you don't want that over here do you?

For r/isfp to devolve into the shitshow now means we've really lost our marbles. We'll lose everything good that we can hold onto because I'm telling you that if it becomes memecity up in here I will leave. And I'm sure others will follow.

Don't turn the ISFP into a stereotype. We are so much more complex than that. And this is really one of the only highly original subs and the culture we have here is fantastic. Ruining it with memery will only have us in the sorry state the INFPs are in and they are not doing well. If you live life on your first 2 functions alone your life is going to suck. We have the perfect function stack. We've been blessed. Don't muck it up by neglecting your last two and not seeing what will happen as soon as meme culture crosses that threshold up in here. You are ORIGINAL PEOPLE. Continuing being original. Don't let the memes ruin us.

/r/isfp Thread Link - reddit.com