Insomniacs and troubled sleepers of Reddit, when you wake up at 3am and can’t fall back asleep, what do you do??

I'm just random person from internet, but...

Zolpidem is perfect drug, if you want to shatter mental health of you and your loved ones into pieces.

Of course it will make you fall asleep. And you take it as prescribed by your doctor. What you don't know is that you develop tolerance quickly and in order to get proper amount of sleep you need to increase dose. By the time anyone realizes that you are constantly on drugs, you will be deeply addicted.

And you will remember absolutely nothing, not even how you got into rehab. Third time. You will probably also lose weight because you will vomit every meal. Still, you wont understand why everyone is upset, you just want to sleep. Next step is just wanting to die, because you are unable to grip to what is going on around you. Also, how many times will someone have to remind you that your loved child died, when you ask about him? It sure hurts as hell every time...

Your superpower is ability to eat whole package of your favorite drug in one sitting and don't die. You know every physician who can be bribed to give you prescription. You are creative with hiding drugs in unusual places.

In periods, when you are clean and sober long enough that you return to normal life, you really want to change. You know, from what family told you, what that pill does to you and you are horrified. But now, after winning another battle with addiction, you can't even fall asleep for more than one hour...

Forgive me for this spew. I just want you to be careful with Zolpidem. Talk to your doctor as fast as you can.

Sorry if my post is gibberish, i dont speak english.

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