Introducing module federation for Blazor components

Hi, Lloyd

I understand and agree about the cons and definitely can see them happening as we already have some problems with the versions of libraries shared across microfrontends.

We use microfrontends in the project I am working on, but every microfrontend is done in Angular. This removes some of the cons (but also some of the pros if different frameworks are needed).

I don't see the time spent on this project as wasted as I've learned a lot of how module federation and blazor work while doing it.

If microfrontends shouldn't be used, what whould you suggest for big systems that are maintained by many small teams? If you were to start from scratch the project you maintain, how would you do it? Is the project mainteined by many teams?

The main advantage that I see is the independence of deployment and reducing the chance of publishing something that shouldn't be published.

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