These cunts hitting my local takeaway...

Dude, have you lost your mind? We barely have places to live in right now as it is due to there, surprise? Being too many people! Sorry, but if I want to live in a disgustingly looking environment like India, I'll just go and live there instead. I don't have to have it here as well.

UK is getting overcrowded and you can't deny that. Again, they come here illegally by random boats etc. they do not to through ANY border crossing process at all. Nobody checks their identity, whether they've had any legal issues and so on.

How can you tell if some people coming here like that aren't dangerous?

Oh, and one more thing: Who the heck do you think has to pay for their benefits after they come here? Me and millions of other people!

And yes I do know that some people are forced to flee due to war etc. and I sympathize with them and I whish them the best, but there simply have to be immigration regulations or there would be a complete chaos literally everywhere!

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