TIL about Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory - https://aphantasia.com/maybe-you-have-sdam/

You are the real troll here, you are the one generalising memory in earlier replies, and don’t seem to comprehend there is a difference between semantic and episodic memory. Then after some replies from others who actually provide scientifically backed research, you do acknowledge it but can’t apply it to yourself and can only provide non scientific resources and your personal take on it.

Not all aphants experience SDAM, but 51% of SDAM patients report having aphantasia, there is an undeniable overlap that still needs more research which can take years. The fact that you are an aphant that does not experience SDAM is besides the point here.

Aphants don’t have a proven reduced capability of memory in general, however not having the visuals (or other imagery senses) theoretically makes it harder to remember specific details. It is already proven that visualisation plays a role in episodic memory (which is also referred to in the article linked by OP), which is why it’s not weird that so many aphants report having issues with autobiographical memory.

I am a multi-sensory aphant with SDAM, and I can assure you I cannot in any way re-experience or re-live past events. But I do store semantic information about certain experiences, however this does not feel like an ‘own experience’ and does in fact cause a feeling of disconnection. My semantic memory is very strong, better than the average person imo. I can still remember things I learned, read or heard over 20 years ago just fine, but my episodic memory is very poor to non-existing.

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