Involuntary care for suffering from police harassment

This resembles my experience really closely.

I actually thought this was normal protocol.

I find it weird that they think going out for walks in the middle of the night equates to disturbed sleep patterns too and sleep deprivation.

I got the line ' would you like to talk about these experiences with someone' and genuinely believed they were meaning the abuse I was mentioning.

I was told I was suicidal with intent to harm self and others.


based on a letter of Chinese whispers. Ironically, I was not allowed to go get said letter which I had that would have proven this was not the case.

This is intense. I actually didn't even recognise how just my experience effected me and after seeing stuff like this its occured to me this is next level ptsd causing.

It's complete coercion. None of what he said was an indicator of absolutely anything out of the normal.

Thank fuck for camera phones. But also, he mentioned his lawyers specifically aren't they by law required then to grant him his rights? He mentioned a human rights lawyer not a criminal attorney too.

I'm pretty sure that alone makes this like 10/10 fucked.

/r/Antipsychiatry Thread Link -