ITRP X: Character Creation Thread

Discord Name: Lily

Name and House: Lyanne Bolton

Age: 22

Cultural Group: Northerner

Appearance: Tall, graceful, and mysterious. Lyanne Bolton has seemingly gentle features with long black hair and piercing dark blue eyes. Her tone is pale, almost unnaturally so, save for the faint tinge of rose which brushes her alabaster cheeks. She oft dons in long dark gowns, with black furs warm to her shoulders, and hands which dress in tight black leather gloves. She wears a necklace of leather cord around her slender throat, dangling the talisman of a black feather.

Gift(s): Mythic (Greenseer)

Skill(s): Animal Tamer e, Alchemy, Medic

Talent(s): Herbology, Singing, Taxidermy

Negative Trait: -

Starting Title(s): Scion of house Bolton

Starting Location: Winterfell

Alternate Characters: Nymeria Martell

Additional Note: Dropping Serena Bolton to take Lyanne as my PC instead.

/r/ITRPCommunity Thread