I've become indifferent to psychedlics

I had a similar experience on two tabs of 25i. I kept trying to throw myself off the end of a pier and my boyfriend (at the time) had to physically restrain me as I was screaming my lungs out. In my mind, I was experiencing being born and reborn over and over - among many other things, but that's what I remember most. I felt like a tube of toothpaste being squeezed from my feet to my head, with all the mucus in my body gushing in a scream out of all my facial orifices - which I can only imagine is what being squeezed through a birth canal must feel like.

The police came as I was finally starting to come back down and were going to take me to the hospital at first, but I was extremely resistant to any and all authority figures at that time and I perceived the woman asking me questions to be very hostile and judgmental. They wouldn't even escort me to get my phone I left outside the ambulance. So I ignored her questions and kept trying to take off my restraints - partly because I thought, "fuck this lady and fuck these restraints," partly because I wanted my phone.

At that point they took me outside and I resisted being cuffed, so around 5 cops pinned me down (one with his knee on my head) to handcuff me and take me to jail. As a side note, I'm female, early 20s, about 5'7", and 150 lbs with absolutely nothing on me except the clothes I'm wearing.

I won't get into what the rest of the night was like - suffice to say, it was one of the shittiest and most interesting nights of my life.

Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of acid. It's hard to know what you're getting with anything, but acid you really have no idea. I'm not too crazy about that synthetic trip.

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