I've been browsing the "Top" links in this subreddit, a lot of posts seem to be depressing in terms of making music out of a living. I know it's the sad truth but can the people who actual can make a living out of music spread some hope/stories of how they actually made it?

go to school. get drunk. play in a band, have a good time. get that comp sci degree while you do.

chase music around for a few years, it's fun, it's a goddamn good time, I'll you hwat.

but when you're 30, and you're done, and smoking in the alley at 4am seems kinda.....not that great anymore.....you'll have a comp sci degree, and you can get a steady paycheque, which you'll find is nice. because, let's be honest -- if you were destined for rock and roll stardom, you'd already be strapped to the rocket, you know? you're not -- you're here, on reddit, having an existential crisis about music.

and who knows, maybe along the way you drift into production or management or teching, or whatever, or you do hit it hard enough to make some money and enjoy what you're doing, either way, it's always nice to have a solid plan B in your pocket.

get the schooling. now. it's not nearly as easy to go back to school, not as easy as they say, anyway. so get the schooling, then rock out for some years, travel, get weird, see things.

/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Thread