Ivern jungle route

Hi, I main Ivern and my route is wraith>smite wolf>golems then either roam camp at vilemaw area and try to q the enemy followed by an e to yourself or your ally and make sure the shield pops near the enemy as it slows and damages them. Instead of roaming top, you can also try to gank bot if the enemy ap is over extending. Around 2:20, you should then collect your groved camps and maybe start camping lanes but at the same time avoiding minion xp as it could delay your team's level. Level 3 is the best time to start ganking since you have ranged autos with your w. Smiting the first camp is basically a waste of health so you should grove one camp before you smite another at the start. You lose alot of health early game so watch out for champions that could potentially invade your jungle such as rengar, jarvan, skarner.

Fun tip: try to walk to the enemy's mid lane, q'ing the bush before entering around 1:23 to see if their jungler is starting wraiths. Then you can steal smite their wolves leaving them level 2 until altar spawns.

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