I really don't agree with that. People can become overweight for many reasons. Self hatred might be one of them, but there are many physical reasons, too. When I was young and thin I used to be really scornful of overweight people because my mother drummed it into us that there was something wrong with these people, but I realized at some point that she had an eating disorder which accounted for how thin she was. She felt social pressure to be extremely thin. Now that I am in my 60s, I know that there are some physical infirmities like arthritis that make exercising very difficult. Most people's metabolisms slow as they age, making it difficult to keep weight down. Thyroid issues also can account for a lot of it. Some people are genetically predisposed to carry weight or have larger bone structures than bird-like young super models. Some people in grief or depression lose or gain a lot. Try not to judge people on their weight. Oh, our glorious Prez to Be isn't a thin guy anymore... just saying. (But he was a hot guy when he was young!)

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