Jeff Nippard PPL - 2021

That was the point of introducing greg to show an experts opinion on why anything more than 9-12 set per workout could be classified as junk volume.

.... ok. Let's try this again. Greg, a guy I trust and respect and have had a few very productive interactions with, does not discuss 9-12 sets in a session being Junk Volume. Are you sure you listened to the three minute segment on the topic?

It was perfectly clear your reading comprehension is just horrid.

Oh really? Let's run this tape back.

How do you know when you're no longer doing sets that are stimulating?

Your response:

It depends on your training age but for intermediates it’s around 9- 12 sets per muscle in a single session. [SIC]

So to recap. My reading comprehension is horrid but you responded to my questions of "How do you know when sets are no longer stimulating" with "it happens around 9-12 sets in a session"

Ya, sure, my reading comprehension sucks. That statment implies that 9-12 sets is non junk volume and anything above it is junk volume. If you had wanted to say that 9-12 sets is above useful volume you should structure your sentence in this way, "It depends on your training age but for intermediates anything more than 8 sets is Junk Volume" alternatively "It depends on your training age but for intermediates anything less than 9-12 sets is good volume."

But anyways you're avoiding the question, so I'll bold it for you.

Why is 9-12 sets less than ideal?

I assumed that when i was mentioning tension with a heavy set that I was talking to someone who knew what they are talking about, I guess i was wrong. That’s why I specified it, so you can learn something new.

Lol, you're fucking hilarious buddy. I've got two trainees with totals well above 1600lbs. If we assume one of their benches is actually in the 400's (since you know he just hit 390 for an easy 5) then they both total over 1700lbs. But ya, I don't know anything about training /s

I bet they’re out there somewhere, i’m surprised you’ve made it this far with the lack of fitness knowledge you have.

Lol. Adorable my dude.

Maybe for beginners who can’t properly estimate RPE, but for intermediates and advanced lifters it’s more than vital for optimal training.

None of my trainees use RPE and are big and strong. I don't use RPE either and still managed to have a national level total for my sport.

So, ya. No, you're wrong.

This is where we get into semantics so you don’t look like an absolute retard.

nope. Things have definitons. Changing them to suite your narrative (like you did) is dumb. If a bodybuilder isn't pumped up and swollen do you think they're going to say "dude I just got the gnarliest pump", no. No they aren't.

You're like Gregg Douchette redefining common terminology to sell idiots on bad advice.

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